30. Oct, 2021

'High Street'

The old staples are gone.
The regular sets of
Butcher, baker and greengrocer
Parading down the street for years
Are different now.
Fruit boxes pile up
In the ground floors
Of bank buildings
Built as small slices
Of municipal grandeur.
Barber shops proliferate
Where Estelle Modes once reigned,
Fried chicken and solicitors
Instead of fish and chips.
The Crown Post Office
Where patient queues had to wait,
While staff behind their glass
Enjoyed, very much,
Taking their time with things,
Is closed again,
Its brief phase as
A brunch and watering hole
Already done.
We have an outdoor market now
To be trendy in,
Unless, like a time traveller
With the wrong itinerary,
You happen to arrive on the Saturdays
When it is only a car park again.

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